Seize the possibilities with every opportunity

Micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) play a significant role in India's economy. They contribute nearly 8% of the country's GDP, account for 45% of the manufacturing output, and contribute 40% of the exports. Furthermore, they provide the largest share of employment after agriculture. MSMEs serve as the nurseries for entrepreneurship and innovation in the nation.
One of the major advantages of the MSME sector is its employment potential at a low capital cost. It is estimated that this sector employs around 6 crore individuals across 2.6 crore enterprises. The labor intensity in the MSME sector is approximately four times higher than that of large enterprises. This emphasizes the crucial role played by MSMEs in creating job opportunities and driving economic growth.
However, there is an unmet finance gap of Rs 3 trillion, primarily affecting over 55 million micro enterprises. This presents a significant opportunity for growth and development. The future of India depends on the productivity and success of its massive youth population, many of whom work in the MSME sector. Despite the immense potential, banks and NBFCs have been hesitant to tap into this opportunity due to the sector's informal and undocumented income structure.
This underserved customer segment, often referred to as the "missing middle," poses unique challenges for traditional lending institutions. Assessing the income of this unorganized sector is a daunting task. Recognizing this opportunity, our team, led by seasoned professionals from the finance industry, has developed an innovative and radically different approach. We employ a detailed cash flow analysis conducted at the customer's doorstep, allowing us to accurately assess their financial situation and provide tailored solutions.
By bridging the finance gap and catering to the needs of the MSME sector, we can unlock the true potential of these enterprises, propel their growth, and contribute to the overall development of the economy. This is a significant opportunity to make a meaningful impact and drive positive change in the lives of entrepreneurs and workers in the MSME sector.