Policies & Codes

Name Download
Policy on Moratorium Term Loan-COVID 19
Policy on Preservation of Documents
Fair Practice Code_English
Fair Practice Code_Vernacular
Anti Bribery and Anti Corruption Policy
Code of Conduct for Fair Disclosure of UPSI
Policy on Related Party Transactions
Resolution Framework 2.0_MSME
Resolution Framework 2.0_Individuals & small borrowers
Corporate Governance Guidelines
Policy on Appointment and Fit & Proper Criteria for Directors
Policy on Appointment of Statutory Auditor
Reserve Bank - Integrated Ombudsman Scheme, 2021
Pricing Policy
Guidelines on Classification as Special Mention Account (SMA) and Non-Performing Asset (NPA)
Vigil Mechanism
Terms and Conditions of appointment of Independent Director
Archival Policy
Nomination, Remuneration and Compensation Policy
Prevention of Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace
Co-Lending Policy
Corporate Social Responsibility Policy
Policy on Loan Closure and Return of Property Documents
Schedule of Charges
Policy for determining Interest Rate, Processing and other charges
GRM All States- English
GRM All States- Vernacular
Pre-Login Documents for Individuals and Non-Individuals
Data Privacy Policy
Equal Opportunity Policy